Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Design for Print

Press quality PDF is suitable for commercial print. Smallest file size is OK to send as a proof. High quality print is good enough for our laser printers as a hard copy, but not good enough for commercial printing.

The press quality settings doesn't include a bleed, so we need to remember to add one, and crop marks.

Create a postscript file through the print menu to save your file exactly how it would print. This only works with laser printers, not inkjet. Separations are also possible when using a postscript file, this would be useful for screen print.

Adobe Acrobat Pro is useful for editing your PDFs, anything from deleting pages to editing the content.

Acrobat distiller changes postscript files to PDF.

When numbering pages on InDesign, you can also save the postscript file with the re-ordered pages. Convert the file on Adobe Distiller before sending to a commercial printers.

To save a postscript file with multiples of the same design on it, including bleed and crop marks. Firstly save the document to press quality and then create a new document to the paper size you will be printing. Then place the postscript file into document.

A quick way to repeat the image is to go to edit, step and repeat.

Use the grid option, and input the size of the image in the offset.

The all you have to do is align to page.

Just one problem, there is a spelling mistake. There is a quick way to rectify this. Delete the repeated images. Place file, select the InDesign file and select show import options.

Make sure that you include the bleed.

However there is nowhere to add crop marks, so we will have to do this in the original InDesign document. 

Document setup, add a 10mm slug. This will add a blue margin, add some guides, and simply use the line tool then save. Then place and include slug.

These images now show up n the links panel, so if we edit and save the original document to change the spelling, then it will be edited in the final document after double clicking the yellow triangle in the links panel.

Work and turn is when printing double sided, is flipping it horizontally. Work and tumble id vertically flipped. 

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