Module Code
Module Title
Sadie Thompson
1. What
skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think
you have applied them?
I have developed my skills on After Effects. Previous to
this module I had only worked very briefly with Flash, even then I didn’t feel
like I had learnt a substantial amount about the software. I now feel
comfortable enough to get on with using After Effects on my own, and can either
work out what I want to do or work from relevant tutorials. The thought of
starting a new After Effects project is no longer daunting to me and I am much
more comfortable using this programme.
I have also improved on my ability to storyboard and
realised the benefit of doing so. It has definitely made animating my sequence
a lot easier in the end and also allowed me to realise some faults before I
started to animate.
2. What approaches to/methods of design production have
you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
Storyboarding has helped me to get my ideas down
quickly, without having to work out how to animate them. This would waste time
and would make it more likely for me to forget some of the details of my ideas.
Storyboarding has been beneficial to me developing my ideas in detail and for
predetermining what could possibly go wrong. They have also helped me to
consider time, giving me a solid frame to start with. Title and actions safe
zones are also something that storyboarding has helped with.
I also found that the format of the workspace was a
tricky one to work with, as most of my artwork would probably work better in a
square format. However I had to consider that it could be viewed on either a
widescreen or classic framed T.V.
3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how
have/will you capitalise on these?
The strongest feedback I have received time and time
again in my crits is that both my idents and my title sequence reflect the
theme of my chosen channel, E4 and stays true to its style. I have used my
ability to work in Illustrator relatively quickly to my advantage, and vectored
all of my artwork to be used in my final sequences. I feel that vectoring these
images has kept the style consistent added to the general feel of my
4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how
will you address these in the future?
I feel like I could have come up with more initial ideas.
I seem to have come up with one general idea and developed and changed it as I
progressed and worked on more storyboards. I feel that I could have worked on
sound more. I am happy with the music track that I have used for my title
sequence, and all feedback that I have got in crits have said that it works
well. However I have just used the ending of the song in the ident, which also
works well and ties them to the title sequence, but I feel I should have added
some sound effects. I did try this initially but they sounded tacky, so I
should have either recorded the sounds myself or searched further for some
better quality sound effects.
5. Identify five things that you will do differently
next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
Do more
contextual research to influence my style.
Look at more
tutorials online, and ask for more help to find the most efficient ways to
animate on After Effects, rather than trying to work out on my own.
Do more
initial ideas.
recording my own sound effects rather than just looking online.
Manage my
time more effectively so that I can get both my final designs and blogging to a
good standard by hand in.
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