Monday, 9 January 2012

Top 10

I have just analysed my results from my hangover survey. I asked people out of the choices I gave them which hangover cures have they heard of and which ones they have found to be most effective. I also asked them if there are any other cures that they swear by. Here are my results...

9/1/2012 17:17View Responses
Orange juice and toast. Winner :) !
9/1/2012 17:01View Responses
sleep or vomiting! Then lucozade or mars milkshake!, and bit of excercise should do the trick!
9/1/2012 16:26View Responses
tea and toast
9/1/2012 15:56View Responses
Lots of pasta!
9/1/2012 14:51View Responses
Fry up!
9/1/2012 14:49View Responses
Irn bru, ibuprofen, and a jog if possible
9/1/2012 14:36View Responses
Berocca, and then a MacDonalds. The first helps replace all your vitamins, and the second replaces the salt you've lost through sweat.
9/1/2012 14:33View Responses
Don't tend to get hangovers, but when I do, there is no cure
9/1/2012 14:25View Responses
Lots of sleep, lemonade and some sherbert.
9/1/2012 13:49View Responses
banana milkshake and eat scruffy food
9/1/2012 13:48View Responses
none, i don't really get hangovers. But sleep helps with headaches
9/1/2012 13:38View Responses
wen i gt propa stemin ths 1 tym @ da club da nxt day i felt lyk propa shittt yea so i gts maself 1 fukin peng pie n mask lyk innit an afta i felt pure betta blud innit
9/1/2012 13:38View Responses
9/1/2012 13:17View Responses
Man the fuck up!
9/1/2012 12:17View Responses
Water or sex, very situational...
9/1/2012 12:09View Responses
Lots of water and shower
9/1/2012 11:53View Responses
WATER, pletinful sleep and water unlike your cure which is sex with black men HAHAHA
9/1/2012 11:52View Responses
9/1/2012 11:33View Responses
lots of water, sleep.
9/1/2012 11:28View Responses
A bottle of yop (strawberry, standard) or a strawberry for goodness shake
9/1/2012 11:22View Responses
Tea and a fry up followed by more sleep
9/1/2012 11:04View Responses
Sleep followed by lots of food?
9/1/2012 10:51View Responses
not drinking the night before. None of them really work, they just take your mind off the pain
9/1/2012 10:49View Responses
Hair of the dog, obviously!
9/1/2012 10:49View Responses
9/1/2012 10:39View Responses
Mcdonalds Breakfast
9/1/2012 10:37View Responses

From these results I have found the top ten hangover cures that people find to be most effective...

  1. Lots of water
  2. Sleep
  3. Fry up
  4. Paracetamol or Ibuprofen
  5. Vitamin C
  6. McDonald's
  7. Fruit juices
  8. Vomiting
  9. Hair of the dog
  10. Sex

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