Friday, 29 April 2011

We decided to choose each others strengths and weaknesses to make it easer to filter down which individual tasks we should carry out. At the moment the idea is that we both have a say in the over all design and concept, but I am more involved in the layout of the guide and Charlotte will be more hands on with the actual printing production. This will also help us to manage our time effectively, we have decided that everyday that we work together to begin with writing the days action plan. I will be recording this on my PPD blog.

After writing this we discovered that we will work well together and play off each others strengths and weaknesses to benefit our design work. The work load for the brief we have chosen is too big for one person, but together hopefully we will be able to produce an appropriate amount of work and fulfil this brief to its full potential.

We started at the basics and thought about different formats that we could produce this guide in. Charlotte produced a brainstorm and some design sheets to help our idea process. For now it looks like producing a small book is the best approach.

Charlotte also produced a swatch book to consider different stocks to use for our design.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Today we were put into pairs and set various tasks to expand on the ideas that we had already come up with. I was put with Matt, we discussed and shared each others ideas and then individually came up with our two most solid concepts. 

We then wrote up two briefs on our ideas and got feedback from other classmates. I found that it helped having an outsiders input and more than anything I think that it has made mine and Chars idea more solid.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Speaking from Experience

To help us get into our brief Fred set us a task. I found this very helpful in narrowing down my ideas and discovering new ones that I hadn't initially thought of.

Things I want to make as a designer...
Flash animation- adverts/ idents
Magazine layout/ type and grid
Illustration- illustrative type

Problems I have encountered since being offered a place...
Not having enough hours in the day
Living in halls- dealing with flat mates- food/ belongings going missing
Constantly having to justify doing an 'art' degree to family and friends

Subjects Im interested in (themes, content)...
Conceptual design

We were then asked to brainstorm ideas and themes stemming from the task we were set. Me and Charlotte decided to do this together thinking that two brains are better than one. We spoke about our individual interests, strengths and weaknesses and this led to an idea that we thought would be great to collaborate on.
The initial idea is to design and produce a guide for new coming first years all about the printing processes and facilities that are available throughout the college. One of the problems both me and Charlotte found during our time on first year is that we would have taken more advantage of these facilities if we were more aware of them right from the beginning of the first term.
The reason we have decided to work together on this brief is because of my interest in layout design and Charlotte's interest in print production, we thought that if we put these interests and strengths together then we could produce a magazine guide about print production within the college. Another reason for collaborating is the amount of time that is going to be consumed by booking out print rooms and producing prints and designs as well as a full book. I am pleased at our decision to work together and think that we will make a great team and motivate each other throughout this brief.

Saturday, 23 April 2011

My next illustration development. I have kept the same tone of voice with the conversation, both of them being one sided phone conversations. They are based on a similar stereotypical type of person, yet different genders. I have varied the design and colours slightly to keep them interesting, but similar enough to show that they are part of a series.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

 I have continued exploring different ways of communicating conversations through type and image in my sketchpad. I am pleased with the progress and feel like my ideas have developed. However I still feel that my earlier illustrations are my stronger ones, the one sided phone conversations that are illustrated inside speech bubbles in particular. I am going to continue working on these on illustrator to create either a pair or series of illustrations, depending on what time will allow and what conversations I can find that connect together to work as a set.

Friday, 15 April 2011

The beginings of my sketchpad. I have started by making my conversations visual (some conversations I recorded myself, some taken from my secondary research). So far they seem to be illustrative type, I have found it hard to incorporate illustrations with type and found it easier to express the tone of the conversation using colour and shape within the type itself.

 The front, 'what is a line' in a line.

 I found it more amusing to take little snippets of conversation, that seem funnier out of context of the entire conversation.

 Just a constant stream of conversation in my normal handwriting, a bit boring to look at and doesn't really communicate anything instantly.

I really like the effect of engraving type in silver, its really visually pleasing and brings the image to life.
This style of illustration is my favourite, it was one of my original images that I have designed on illustrator. I am thinking of doing a series of these, but definitely prefer the digital version in comparison to the illustrations I have done in inks, markers and pencils. I think to make them work well as a series I will have to use conversations with a similar tone of voice, one sided phone conversations perhaps?
A few more developments of an earlier illustration. Again I really like the effect it has engraved in silver.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Facebook conversations...

who drew on the sofa?? 
ummm... I think I saw Barney with a pen???
That's what I heard,  
yeah, me too. it was just after he'd cooked dinner for 7 kids and done a couple of loads of washing..LoooL  
I loved barneys cooking! X

Sadie Thompson 
Ideas for the next theme, and to be swapped when we get back?? xxx

Ian Bird 

Sarah Roberts 
Any type of celebrities?????? Or just pick whatever??? Xxx
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Sadie Thompson 
are we actually decided on that? or has any one else got suggestions xx
India Rose Bird
the friggin MOOOOOON



India Rose Bird 

Sadie Thompson 
i love you india, you dick. lets do space. SERIOUSLY no?

India Rose Bird 
my space or yours.
ahawhaw not funny.
but seriously, space is the place.
enough with the shit jokes
i like space

Charlotte Bourke 
i like space.

Sarah Roberts 
space it is!!!!!!!!!
Ian Bird
Celebrities is way better/funnier than space thoughhhhhh

Sarah Roberts
Well we can do that after woofy t boy! Shhhhhhhhhhh

Ian Bird

Josie Wells 

Sadie Thompson 
I like... actually LOVE mammals as a theme. Well done Josie Jose!! xx

Sadie Thompson
ok shit so what we doing haa... vote on it?

India Rose Bird
except dolphins, they're shit.

Sadie Thompson 
im with mammals too.
dolphins think theyre soo cool x

Josie Wells 
dolphins are actually bastards...i know...i know this for we're doing mams' yeah? where are the others? do they get a say too?? xx

Ian Bird 
mammals shmammals

Sadie Thompson
ian shmian

India Rose Bird
your mum is

Josie Wells


Janie Jones
was thinking of havin a party this saturday, just wanted to see who was about?

Hannah Lee 
on it x

Tom Fordyce 
I can't come. Have fun peeps.x

Sadie Thompson
ah poo im working! sorryy xx

Simon Maine 
Away in gay Paris...

Luke Nagy 
On it. Xx

Dave Hunt 
On it. An am thus about.x x

Barry Winston Evans 
Why is fordyce always absent without a good reason these days? Hes definitely up to something underhand if u ask me.

Hannah Lee
he's definitely up to something with his hand
Barry Winston Evans
Nice masturbatory reference there. Implying he sits at Coral wanking under the desk to virtual roulette machines. like it.
Janie Jones 
Fordyce if u wanna wank at my party i'm cool with that, as long as you're there. My porn collection is somewhat lacking but as Luke will tell you, Brokeback Mountain does the job nicely. And Sadie i reckon you should come by after work, i live well close to you anyway.xx.

Tom Fordyce 
I am working and then going to my Best Friend In The World's gig. No way out, soz guys.

Luke Nagy 
Is his name Heath?
Sent via Facebook Mobile
Tom Fordyce 
It's Jake. Which is almost as bad.

Sadie Thompson 
ah wicked, whats your adress?? x
Richard Tipple 
I love how this message start off about a party and ended with a general consensus that Fordy is a) a wanker and b) gay lol :)
Sent via Facebook Mobile
Janie Jones 
take it easy on fordyce guys, he'll come out when he's ready...
my address is 88 Old Road, EN3 5XZ, its just off Hertford Road. x
Tom Fordyce
I am going to shag each and every one of your mums.

Sadie Thompson 
fucking hell fordyce first my brothers and now my mum?? leave my family alone!!

Tom Fordyce
your tribe's fordyce lust is neither my fault nor my problem, Sades.

Luke Nagy 
I read 'fist my brothers now my mum'. Dodgy.

Dave Roskilly 
Nah mate my mums already had you. Hah safe what time is everyone turning up?

Janie Jones
anytime after 8 is cool with me. as usual i will have some cocktails on the go but wont be providing beer because beer is wrong.

 Dave Hunt 
loaded statement but see you then.x

Tom Fordyce 
I am going to come, but later on. Think arrive at 12 and leave at 3.

Tom Fordyce 
Will be pissed upon arrival though.

Janie Jones 
actually tom this party is strictly teetotal. no drunks allowed, urine samples must be submitted before entry.

Tom Fordyce 
I can piss on your door if that'll make it better?

Barry Winston Evans 
now i know fordyce is going to turn up wankered and thus act like a wanker im gonna come as well. cya later sadsacks.

Isabel Crofts 
poor little fordyce. yes i should be there x

Neil Allen
wats goinon i didnt catch the start ofthis message?

Barry Winston Evans 
fordyce is getting cussed for being a top mark. not much else of any interest.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

I've started to vector my phone conversation illustration on Illustrator. I really like how it's going so far, but think that the style is a bit too similar to that of Kate Moross and may be seen as copying. I am going to carry on to see how I feel when it's finished.